On Saturday
we competed in the judging portion of our
competition and were all surprised at the judging format in the UK. The judging
was fast and furious with only four minutes per class. Each team had one
member designated to judge classes of either beef, sheep, dairy or horses. In
the afternoon we headed out to our first farm tour at Mosshall Red Angus. They
had an excellent herd of cattle and despite the windy afternoon all of the
members had a great time looking through their pastures. We are very excited to
share that Travis Hunter placed second and Macy Liebreich placed third in the
public speaking competition. We are all looking forward to the next portions of
the competition!
Monday, June 26, 2017
WAF Youth Team Update June 25-26
Canadian teams have been very busy over the past few days at the World Angus
Forum. On Friday morning we loaded up the bus and impatiently anticipated the
day ahead. We had no idea where we were going and speculations were many. When
we pulled up to a Royal Marine base camp we knew we were in for a treat. We had
a wonderful day which included trudging through water and mud up to our waists
in order to complete various training exercises in teams. The army exercises
certainly brought us closer as teams and we got to know the participants from
other teams much better as well. After quickly showering to clean up the mud we
got dressed and ready for our evening event. We had a fantastic evening at the
local rugby pitch where we learned a
Scottish dance.