I had the honour and pleasure of talking to Saskatchewan 4-H members and some of their parents after the 2011 Regina Bull Sale and Show. The show itself was great. It was judged by Wade Beck and it showcased some great Angus animals. Some of our junior members competed for Showmanship recognition and I would like to congratulate Erika Easton, Kristina Ginter and Lexi Hicks for being recognized as superior showmen (or women).
The afternoon planned by Jackie Medvid, the Regional Specialist for the Saskatchewan 4-H Council and Melodi Howkesford-Lee, the South East Regional Specialist, was engaging for me, parents and 4-H members alike. We all learned how to ultrasound animals, how to phenotypically evaluate animals, how Angus animals are evaluated genetically, and how EPDs are calculated and best used. The 4-H members were enthusiastic to learn more about the animals that they spend so much time with, and their passion for beef cattle was certainly contagious. I felt very honoured to be a part of their learning weekend.
The Saskatchewan 4-H council did a fabulous job of organizing a great event. Thank you for all your hard work to put on such a great event.
Posted by Kajal Devani
Feedback: kajal1@cdnangus.ca