On Tuesday, the Canadian Angus Association's part-time and seasonal field staff gathered in cold, wet and foggy Calgary for some training and to gear up for the fall sale run. Although some sales have already taken place, the run starts in earnest on October 4 and the field staff will be on the road for long stretches at a time.
Canadian Angus Association office staff took the opportunity to refresh our field staff on policies and procedures that they often receive questions about. We covered the Canadian Angus Association's commercial programs; the benefits of the Angus tag program along with which animals qualify for tags and ways to order; requirements to register cattle in the Canadian Angus Association herdbook; how to use EPDs; the Canadian Angus Association's genetic defect policy; and the Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed program.
We encourage all of our members, both purebred and commercial, to attend at least one sale this fall. Look for the following representatives in your area:
Western Canada:
Brian Good 403-391-4037
Ken Cox 780-672-6860
British Columbia:
Jack Brown 604-888-0862
Blair McRae 204-728-3058
John Duivenvoorden 705-431-0319
Wayne Gallup 819-826-3026
These guys will be putting in lots of hours promoting the Angus breed and our programs over the fall sale season. Be sure to say hello when you see them.
Posted by Tina Zakowsky
Feedback: tina1@cdnangus.ca