Monday, May 16, 2011

Reducing Paper Waste

The call to go GREEN was answered by 110 members this past month. Members who received their performance reports online and in paper as well were invited to go paperless. We were thrilled to receive over 100 requests to cut out the printed copy of reports.

All the members that volunteered to go GREEN were entered in a draw for an Angus prize. The lucky draw winners are: Hugh and Marylee Wilkie, Bob and Lorene Cunningham, and Mert Taylor. Congratulations to you!

Cheers to all our members who submit their data and receive their reports electronically, we at the office really appreciate your efforts. Electronic transactions are faster for us to processes, they are environmentally friendly, and they save your Association a lot of paper and postage. If you still receive your performance reports by paper and would like to go GREEN – it is not too late, just let us know!

Posted by Kajal Devani