At the recent Canadian Angus Association annual general meeting, CEO Doug Fee presented the Association's first Feedlot of the Year Award to Ed and Glori Dalke of High Ridge Feeders and Harry and Brenda Dalke of Shannondale Farm. The Dalke Brothers, as they are known in the industry, were chosen in recognition of their work feeding and promoting Angus and Angus cross cattle.
Both locations feed about 3,500 head of cattle, some of which are custom fed. They purchase black Angus calves tagged with Angus tags in the fall from different locations in Western Canada, namely Brandon, Virden, Mankota, Medicine Hat and Maple Creek.
Their location in Morden means that they can grow cereal grains and corn for their feedlots. They also are able to market the cattle east, west and south for various branded Angus beef programs.
We are very proud and excited to present this award to Ed and Glori and Harry and Brenda for their dedication to Canada's Angus breeders.
Posted by Brian Good