We want to reassure you that accommodations are being made to deliver Angus tags while the Canada Post labour dispute continues. Tags are being shipped from Kane Veterinary Supplies via Purolator or bus at no additional charge to the customer. Or if you prefer, tags can be picked up at the Canadian Angus Association office in north east Calgary or at Kane in west Edmonton. Other arrangements can also be made; call us and we will accommodate you the best we can.
Order your tags online or phone 1-888-571-3580/(403) 571-3580 ext 238. Faxed order forms are also accepted at (403) 571-3599. Please remember to include a street address for Purolator deliveries.
Age Verification information can also be faxed or emailed to the office and birth certificates can be returned the same way. This information cannot be taken over the phone, however, we are happy to accommodate written requests all year long. Avoid the fall rush and have your animals age verified any time.
Posted by Cheryl Hazenberg
Feedback: chazenberg@cdnangus.ca