Wednesday, August 15, 2018

CEO Missing Portraits

On May 4, 1906, the Canadian Aberdeen Angus Breeders Association was official incorporated in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Since that time over 100 years ago, hundreds of people have walked through the doors of wherever the official headquarters have been set – from Brandon to Calgary to Guelph and Regina, before finally finding its way back to Calgary in 1995 – and all are greeted by faces that shift over time but nonetheless possess a passion for the Angus breed and for helping breeders find their ideal footing. A pinnacle part of the CAA network is the CEO, whose primary job is to see to the success of his or her staff, Board of Directors, members and community. Our current CEO, Rob Smith, has been with us since July 2011 (which just so happens to be exactly 105 years after the first Annual General meeting of the Canadian Aberdeen angus Breeders Association). We are lucky enough to have Rob in person to see and consult, but the same cannot be said for all past CEOs. We are missing some photographs of past CEOs, and need your help. If you happen to have any photographs or artworks of the below mentioned CEOs from Angus history, please contact Canadian Angus Foundation Archival Intern Kiani Evans at

Missing Portraits:

·        W.F. Crawford: 1921 – 1947

·        W.I. Smale: 1911 – 1920

·        F.J. Collyer: 1907 – 1910

·        George Greig: 1906

Rob Smith: 2011 - Present

Jack Peaker: 1971 - 1982
Doug Fee: 1995 - 2011